Pearly Canion3D PLA Filament



Pearly Canion3D PLA Filament – The filament best suited for hobbyists.

Knowing the characteristics of the filament you look to buy is vital to a successful build of a model.

Pearly Canion3D PLA Filament is less rigid than ABS and there is no need to heat the print bed.

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Why buy Pearly Canion3D PLA Filament from us?

Pearly Canion3D PLA Filament is one of the most popular printing materials for 3D printers, especially for FDM printers. Therefore, PLA stands for Poliactide Plastics.

Custom Made

Our Pearly Canion3D PLA Filament is custom made, only using the finest materials with a meticulous production process to guarantee that your 3D printed parts come out spectacular!


We offer free shipping for our filament to the U.S., Canada, and the European Economic Area.

Perfect Match

At only $24.95 you get value and quality by purchasing from Canion3D!

Therefore, pair our filament with one of our 3D Printers. They are a perfect match!


  • Material: Premium PLA
  • Weight: 1 KG
  • Diameter: 1.75 mm / 2.85 mm
  • Diameter Tollerance: ± 0.05 mm
  • Recommended printing temperature: Da 190°C a 210°C
  • Recommended printing speed: 40/80mm/s
  • Fusion Temperature: 210°C (± 8°C)
  • Vitrous transiction temperature: 50°C
  • Ovalization tolerance (max): ± 5%
  • Density: (21.5°C) 1,24 g/c2
  • Impact strength: 5 KJ/m2
  • Elasticity: 3310 Mpa (MD) – 3861 Mpa (TD)
  • Color: pearl pink, green pearl, pearl blue, pearl white

Additional information


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